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Getting Started

Akash International Academia School aims to keep School fees simple and transparent.

Twice-daily snacks, lunches, and most after-School activity costs are included in tuition fees.  Additionally, all daily meals and the Saturday Enrichment Programme fees are included in boarding fees.


A one-off non-refundable fee of 1,500 INR is required before an application can be processed

Acceptance Fee

A one-off non-refundable fee of 200,000THB* is required within 14 days of receiving an offer to join Akash School Thailand. This fee reserves a place for your child at the School.

*Note that the acceptance fee will be returned to families of students who board weekly or fully for three consecutive terms


A refundable deposit of 100,000INR is also required within 14 days of receiving an offer to join the School. This fee is held as a guarantor for any outstanding expenses as your child withdraws or graduates from the School.

Boarding Deposit

An additional 20,000INR refundable deposit is required for students who board at Akash School Thailand. This fee may be used to cover unpaid expenses as your child withdraws from boarding.

tuition and Boarding Fees

Tuition and boarding fees can be paid termly or annually. Discounts are available for annual payments made in the summer prior to the start of the academic year and for families with multiple children enrolled at the School. Lunch costs are included in tuition fees, but some activities will incur additional costs.
Tuition and Boarding Fees
Age Annual Cost, 000 INR
PN to Year 2
 2 - 7
525 - 670
Year 3 to 8
7 - 13
703 - 796
Year 9 to 13
13 - 18
895 - 946
10 - 18
259 - 448

Late withdrawal fee

It is important to note that if you do plan to withdraw your child from the School, one full term’s notice by email to admissions@akashinternationalschool.com  is required. If the correct notice is not received, a 100,000INR late notice of withdrawal fee

English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Support for Learning Fees (SfL)

Some students may require additional support as they join the School. Teachers will assess all children and, if extra support is required, will use a five-tier system to apply the correct level of support. Fees, noted in the linked document below, will be applied for this until support is no longer required.

Fee schedule

Details of all fees with a payment schedule are available via the link below.

An education is the best gift you can give your child.

Ronnie (Weekly Boarder)

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