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Students embark on their final two years of School and commence studying for A Levels.

A Levels are rigorous qualifications which require students to work hard both in and out of the classroom. For this reason, students specialise in three or four subjects that they are passionate about.

A Levels are a two-year course.

Students typically have ten lessons over two weeks in each subject. All students are required to undertake further research as they study. The scores in Year 12 combine with the scores in Year 13 to create an overall grade awarded as they graduate. A Levels are a gold standard qualification, recognised globally for in-depth subject knowledge and university entry.
Some students may also choose to embark on the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).
This is decided in Term One of Year 12 and may only be done in addition to 3 or 4 full A Levels.

Alongside A Levels, students may engage in optional additional subjects such as:

  • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
  • HSK
  • IELTs
  • Duke of Edinburgh Gold

“What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly."

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