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- IGCSE – AGED 14 TO 16 |
Years 10 and 11 focus on preparing for IGCSE exams and developing study habits.
IGCSE subject courses are generally spread over two years with a combination of coursework, portfolio or external exams used to grade students at the end of Year 11.
All students study these core subjects and also choose a set of elective subjects depending on talents, interests and goals.
English (a combination of the options below)
- First Language
- Second Language
- Third Language
Science (either single or double award)
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Art
- Design and Technology
- Computer Science
- Business Studies
- Geography
- History
- Drama
- Music
- Physical
- Education
- Thai
- Spanish
- Mandrin Chinese
Experienced teachers develop academic rigour in the classroom, and students take examinations in Term 3 of Year 11 Block (May/June). Support is provided for students to prepare them for examinations and extend their knowledge beyond the confines of the curriculum. Leadership is an ever-important skill to develop, and all students are guided through the Duke of Edinburgh programme and provided with many opportunities to develop their leadership skills and communication.
Enrichment remains a vital part of a student’s programme, with a wide and varied range of activities are on offer from debating, to elite sports, to ‘AIAS Make A Difference’ charity outreach.
Year 11 students engage in a personal journey with their tutor and Higher Education mentor to discuss their future university options and carefully select three or four A Level subjects for Sixth Form.
The course is taught in Years 10 and 11, with externally marked and moderated Cambridge, Edexcel and OxfordAQA examinations taken at the end of the two-year course.

Communication and collaboration are essential skills for our students - be it in the classroom or on the global stage.